Setting the Scene
What do you think is the type of sin that God hates the most?
The sin that the Bible tells us God hates the most is _____.
“I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God…I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:13)
“Pride is when sinful human beings _____to the status and position of God and refuse to _________their dependence upon Him.” (CJ Mahaney, Humility)
1) Satisfaction comes from ___________ _______ others for the sake of the gospel.
To those who are new: Christianity isn’t a spectator sport, its a ____ sport.
To those who are regular, and serving, I thank God for you.
To those who are regular and aren’t serving, its time to serve!
Where are you in this picture – on the pitch serving, or in the crowd, watching?
Ways to get involved in life @ st james.
We need more servant hearted people to:
- help with refreshments and washing up on Sundays
- befriend people at Open Church (Wednesday morning)
- befriend toddlers and their carers at Toddlers
- help expand our youth and children’s work
- get involved at our Community Fun Day next week.
- give and pray
- join a house group
- welcome people into church on a Sunday morning
- help recruit people onto Alpha
Please speak to Barry or to the church wardens (Mike and Marion) about these ways to get involved.
In God’s kingdom, the servants are the heroes.
2) Satisfaction comes through pursuing _________
“The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: they will not go unpunished.” (Proverbs 16:5)
- Proud people love ________, titles and honours.
- Pride is also about ___________.
- Pride demands that I be ________ all the time.
- Pride can’t accept ________________ feedback
- Pride can’t _______.
To pursue humility:
- Learn to laugh at yourself.
- Make yourself ____________________.
- Your worth comes from _____ not status.
- Be ________ in all circumstances.
3) What would Jesus do?
Further Reading:
- “Humility”, CJ Mahaney
- “Everyday Church”, Tim Chester
To listen: