What does the bible say about happiness? – Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 20th November 2016 Steve Craggs Character, Happiness What does God think about...? Ecclesiastes
What does God think about…? – Follower-ship – Luke 5:1-11 6th November 2016 Steve Craggs Character, commitment, Courage, generosity, humility, Leadership, listening, obedience What does God think about...? Luke
What does the bible say about fellowship? – Hebrews 10:19-25 30th October 2016 David Hall Bible, Encouragement What does God think about...? Hebrews
What does God say about life as a battle? – Joshua 5:13-6:5 & Revelation 12:7-13:1 16th October 2016 Geoff Lackey Bible, Hardship What does God think about...? Joshua, Revelation
What does God think about…? How do we keep going through tricky times? – Psalm 88 & 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 2nd October 2016 Mike Butterworth Hardship, Jesus What does God think about...? 2 Corinthians, Psalms
What does God think about…immigration? #2 – Exodus 22:21, Leviticus 19:33-34, Mark 12:28-34 18th September 2016 Pete Chamberlain Character, Guidance What does God think about...? Exodus, Leviticus, Mark
What does the Bible say about… praise and worship? – Ephesians 5: 8-20 11th September 2016 Steve Craggs Bible, Worship What does God think about...? Ephesians