The Church New Barnet needs is a community that…
- wholeheartedly follows Jesus, and longs for His glory and fame to be known in New Barnet and beyond.
- endeavours to keep God’s word, the Bible, central to all that it does.
is outward-looking, vibrant and fun. - welcomes, values and cares for all, and within which the lonely and broken can find refuge, new hope and lasting friendship.
- offers answers to today’s questions in language anyone can understand.
- works together to make lifelong disciples for Jesus Christ.
- depends prayerfully upon God our Father, trusting him to provide all we need.
- recognises growth as the proper state of God’s kingdom.
- encourages people to discover and fulfil God’s purpose for their lives.
- seeks to work with others for the good of New Barnet.
- strives for excellence in all it does.
- It’s a community where God is known to be at work by his Spirit.
That’s the Church New Barnet needs….Our vision is to become that church.