Dear all

As you will be aware we are not able to meet for worship for the time being, below is the link so you can still link with us on Sunday.  We will live stream the sermon and prayers and say hello Jenny Robinson will be preaching.

 If there are any issues we will also be recording it to add later and this will also be on facebook as well as via email.   We will be creating Whatsapp groups where possible and making sure you are informed of things and also it is a place we can connect and keep up with needs and thoughts. Let me know if you want to be added to a Whatsapp group, if you are not already on one. We will have the church open n Monday and Wednesday  10-12noon as long as we are allowed (and are well enough) for private prayer and either someone or myself will do a reflection at 10.30am (this reflection will be videoed and added to the website and facebook.  We will put out a scripture for the day and be in regular contact. 

If there are people without technology we will make an extra effort to keep them updated.   Please keep praying we have been encouraging everyone to pray at 7pm every day for an end to the virus, this way we pray at the same time united.  On Sunday we are encouraged to light a candle, pray and put it in the window to remember it is mothering Sunday and to pray for those effected by this virus.  It would be great to share photos of the candles on facebook group or WhatsApp to encourage each other.  Also please do use facebook to share stories and thoughts and even load a video saying hello or sharing something.  Physically seeing each other at this time will help.  If you don’t do facebook maybe sign up for this time even if you don’t add anyone so you can be part of the group to help keep connected.  This said we will be using mail chip as much as possible. 

We are keeping a list of those isolated please let me know so we can pray and also keep an eye of anyone in this situation.  If you have any needs please let us also know, we are family and this a time to share and love each other.  Jesus is in the middle of all our situations and we are his, so please know you are not alone.

Much love

Laura (ps will update you as often as is needed, please keep an eye out for emails etc)

St James 22 March 10:30 – scripture will be John 18: 19-24 and 28-40

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