Together in Barnet’s aim is to tackle homelessness in the London Borough of Barnet. The charity runs a night shelter within the local community to house rough sleepers from October to March each year. Together in Barnet works closely with the day centre, Homeless Action in Barnet, to provide for the needs of the most vulnerable in the Barnet community.
Together in Barnet (TIB) who set up the Night Shelter with Homeless Action Barnet (HAB) are, like last year, placing guests in a hotel in Golders Green instead of in night shelters at various faith buildings across Barnet. (St James being one of those). We help support the Hotel Project by providing breakfast and dinners to the guests, one day a week, at the hotel, for a few weeks during the six months of the hotel project. Other churches and faith organisations provide the other days. TIB and HAB are unable to run the night shelter as in previous years, at present, due to Covid and the restrictions we would have to put in place.
If you are in need, please contact Together in Barnet by clicking here or Homeless Action in Barnet by clicking here, as we are not set up to help the homeless needs at St James Church. Alternatively, for advice, we hold an advice centre with refreshments including a Drop in Citizens Advice between 10-12noon on Wednesdays.